Pressure Washing Services
Keep your home’s exterior looking clean all year long! We quickly remove dirt, mildew, and stains from exterior surfaces with thorough, professional pressure washing services.
Periodic cleaning of your home, driveway, decks, and walkways makes your home more beautiful, reduces maintenance costs, and adds value to your home. Our house washing service is second to none and can add years of life to your home. We take much pride in our work and go the extra mile to guarantee customer satisfaction and a job well done!
Horry Carpet Cleaning only uses top-quality cleaners that won’t damage your house, lawn, or the environment. We carefully apply the right amount of low and high pressure water and cleansing agents to thoroughly clean without damaging paint, vinyl siding, wood, brick, stone, stucco, roofs, or any outside surface.
Let us restore the look and longevity of your home’s exterior surfaces! We have over 28 years of experience and serve all of Horry County, including Myrtle Beach, Murrells Inlet, North Myrtle Beach, Surfside Beach & surrounding areas!

Let us make your home or business look like new!
Call now for expert Pressure Washing
If you want a sparkling, immaculate exterior for your home or business, Horry Carpet Cleaning will make it happen! From siding to decks and walkways, we restore even the grimiest surfaces to like-new condition and make your home look amazing inside and out. We are the area’s leading cleaner serving Myrtle Beach and surrounding areas throughout Horry county. Call today for professional service and great specials. We are available 7 days a week and we guarantee you’ll be satisfied with our service.
We are happy to offer free, no-obligation quotes for pressure washing services. Send us a message and we will call to set up your consultation or provide a quote!
We Power Clean All Outside Surfaces!
- Vinyl Siding
- Decks
- Fences
- Driveways
- Sidewalks
- Brick
- Stone
- Concrete
- Stucco
- Roofs
- Shutters
- Railings
- Steps
- …and More!
Pressure Washing Reduces Maintenance Costs & Adds Value To Your Home
Regular cleaning of your home’s exterior will make your property look beautiful and also reduce maintenance costs. In addition to having an immaculate home with curb appeal, studies show that having a freshly washed home increases property value on average by 10% or more!
Exterior power washing also helps you save money by reducing the upkeep of your home. Cleaning painted wood and vinyl siding reduces color fading so you don’t have to paint as often and keeps vinyl in great condition so it can last as long as possible.
Brick, stone, and other porous natural materials also trap dirt and debris, causing buildup and encouraging insect activity which can lead to infiltration into your home. Regularly cleansing and removing build-up with a pressure washer will protect your home against deterioration and invasion and make sure it lasts for years to come in the best condition possible!